Solar Power Energy System

Solar Power Energy


                Find the secrets of Building your own “Solar Power Energy System”

Fuel costs are increasing all the time and will continue to increase in the future.

Are you fed up with those ever increasing power bills in your mailbox? Imagine if you will, never see one of those again?

Home "Solar Power Energy Systems" are gaining popularity amongst the alternative energy sources.

Many households would change over their energy supply from electricity to solar power. After all it is free energy.

The reason most do not take this step is the costs can be expensive.

Retail "Solar Power Energy Systems" will cost you anywhere up to $20,000 depending on the size and energy needs of your home.

So why pay thousands retail installing solar energy when you can build your own "Solar Power Energy System" for just the fraction of the retail cost.

  Find an Alternative Energy for your needs, Green DIY Energy  [Open in new window]

Almost anyone can do this, even if they have no solar experience.

You can follow step-by-step guides that will show you exactly how to build your own "Solar Power Energy System".

 When you “Do it yourself “, the investment is recovered within a few years of installation, making the power generated by solar energy free.

Its fun and you can quickly start producing your own electricity.

You cannot store conventional power but you can store solar power for future use.

The sun’s energy comes to the rescue even in the times of darkness! Storing it also assures a 24x7supply of power, thus saving you from any power outage.

  You can build a single solar panel or you can build an entire array of panel’s to power your entire home.

By installing solar panels you are saving money and saving the environment.

  When I started looking into solar energy and how I could save money with solar electricity.

The cost to have solar power installed was far too expensive and the time it would take to pay back.

I then had this idea of building my own “Solar Power Energy System” With the help of a DIY guild that walked you through the step-by-step process of constructing your own solar power, for a fraction of the cost of retail.

You will find everything broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions.

That even the complete beginner can follow.

  Find an Alternative Energy for your needs, Green DIY Energy  [Open in new window]

  5 Good Reasons to Get Green DIY Energy.

  1. It works - Thousands of people have successfully built their own solar energy.

  2. Saves Money - You save money when you don’t spend thousands on a  “Retail solar system “.

  3. Go Green – Reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.

  4. Save Energy- You could cut your energy bills in half, or even completely get rid of them.

  5. Its Fun- Just wait until your friends and family see what you have created.

  The sun is at the heart of all our power, so there really are plenty of advantages for solar power.

  The Earth receives a massive amount of energy from the sun, far more than we are ever likely to use.

  Now all that solar energy doesn’t reach the surface, but if we could tap just 1% of what we get from solar power, we would need nothing else.

  One main advantage of solar power is it produces no green house gases.

  Solar energy is what's known as "green energy"; it's environmentally friendly and produces no green house gases.

  One main advantage of solar power energy it’s reducing our use of harmful energy which gives the earth a chance to recover.

  The actual running costs are low aside from production and occasional maintenance costs.

  As far as I’m aware, no one has ever died in a “solar explosion “. This problem as plagued effectively all non renewable - sources.

  The days will come when solar panels will be built into panes of glass and woven into clothing, to really maximise the amount of free energy we gain from the sun.

  So become one of thousands of people making their own solar panels.

  Now there is an Easy to follow guide that walks you through every step-by-step process of building your own “Solar Power Energy System”.

                               Find an Alternative Energy for your needs, Green DIY Energy  [Open in new window]

Find an Alternative Energy for your needs, Green DIY Energy  [Open in new window]